Monday, May 20, 2013

Clause 6 : Planning

Clause 6 : Planning


When planning the BCM the context of the organization should be taken into account through the consideration of the risks and opportunities

This section requires the organization to address the threats to the BCMS not being successfully established, implemented and maintained. It is about understanding the internal culture and the external environment in which the organization operates and the likely barriers that will prevent the BCMS being effective.

It relates back to Clause 4.1, Understanding of the organization and its context, and Clause 4.2, Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties.

New section relating to establishment of strategic objectives and guiding principles for the BCMS as a whole


Business continuity objectives and plans to achieve them:


S.M.A.R.T Objectives



Specifics of S.M.A.R.T. Objectives:


  • Specific – concrete, detailed, and well defined.
  • Measurable – numbers, quantity, and comparisons
  • Attainable- achievable and actionable.
  • Realistic – considers resources, and can be achieved.
  • Time bound – a defined time line in which activities are to be achieved.


In order to ensure that these objectives will be achieved, the organizations should determine:

  • Who will be responsible?
  • What will be done and when it will be completed.
  • How the results will be evaluated.


Reference to ISO 22313